Pyrometer in hot strip mills and plate mills
Energy efficiency on the one hand and steadily rising demands for quality on the other – this is the tension iron and steel manufacturers have to manage. In order to meet the quality standards, tolerances in the rolling temperature become lower and lower. Non-contact infrared thermometers are the state of the art, as they have no impact on the measuring object. Nevertheless, in order to have an exact control and supervision of the temperature in the manufacturing process of the heavy and metal industry, it is necessary to measure some essential product parameters as well as of the surrounding.
High performance pyrometer from Proxitron are used worldwide in hot strip mills and plate rolling for example. After being reheated in a walking beam furnace to the rolling temperature, a semifinished product - as for example a slab - is rolled to a defined size in the roughing mill. Proxitron pyrometers measure the temperature of the slab before or during the rolling process.
In the production of wire instead, a ratio or two colour pyrometer can be used as ratio pyrometers need only partial coverage of the measuring spot to make accurate measurements.